Resto A Casa

Today, March 12, the President of Italy announced that from today until the 25th of March, all businesses are to be closed, nationwide. The exceptions are grocery stores, pharmacies, newstands, tabbachi, gas stations, banks, insurance, and the postal system. 

All restaurants, bars and shops are closed for this two-week period.

This changes life for everyone pretty dramatically. This is especially true in this culture where interpersonal relationships are of the utmost importance. To tell Italians that they cannot go out except for essential services is like telling them to reverse hundreds – really thousands – of years of cultural imprinting.

And yet, they are doing it. Talking about (and posting on social media) that they resto a casa – stay at home. They have, of course, created a hashtag for it: #restoacasa. They understand that this painful experience of staying in, not socializing, working from home instead of going out… it’s for the good of all.

In a country of intense national pride, this is the ultimate display of solidarity for the good of the country.